With the faintest smell of guilt over somekind of unknown wrongdoing... maybe... I get ready to wait for your words. I think I will keep waiting, and finally read the words I'm not expecting - good or bad.... I'll be as ready as I can be.
it's a good content and you had a blog that very cool. Today i look a nice interface in here. I thought this blog should be a success blog. let's make it.
from ousizch in http://www.ecpassistant.blogspot.com
Hai Natanya,
it's a good content and you had a blog that very cool. Today i look a nice interface in here. I thought this blog should be a success blog. let's make it.
from ousizch in http://www.ecpassistant.blogspot.com
Morning Song
for you- true beauty!
Hot temper
Warm jealousy
The traits and the tricks
In memory
He’s no more
Dear Emily
This songs a blend
Of everything
I need you
You need me
We see things
Through glasses
You lend to me
This summer’s
Return to me
I’m dreaming
Of Catherine
So evergreen
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